New weather station

Submitted by admin on Sat, 07/23/2011 – 17:04 I’ve just completed putting up a basic weather station at our new home. This time it’s a wireless system from Ambient (WS2080). There’s great free software, Cumulus, that I’m using to post the local detailed weather ( No wind data since it’s impossible to site it well […]

Linux loses, XP wins!

After another hardware battle, I discovered my 1-wire hub had a failed port so I had to reconfigure my wiring, dropping my solar sensor. Will get back to that another day. More importantly, I had decided to make the switch to Linux on my old T23 thinkpad that’s running my Java software. It is maxed […]

Weather Station Back & Working – after much effort!

Things started to go to hell in a basket in late August. My wife’s computer died (motherboard) and after two dead replacements, bought a new machine. Took the better part of a day to update & cleanout the crap (Dell, Vista). A day or two later my motherboard went out – one DOA replacement, second […]

Weather Station Update – Modified Solar Sensor

In addition to relocating the temperature/humidity sensor, I’ve enclosed the solar sensor in a translucent cover from a CD spindle stack. This has eliminated sensor saturation (in effect, sunglasses for the sensor) and I can now calibrate the sensor for 100% at peak sun (around 1:30 PM these days).

Weather Station Update

Well, at around 8:00 AM Saturday, 12 April we got hit with a major thunderstorm – lightning, hail, wind, much rain. At which time my station went dead. I didn’t discover this until later in the day. Turns out the DS9097U RS232 interface connector got zapped by a lightning induced surge. This gave me a […]