Remember Katrina
August 29, 2005 – Another day that will live in infamy. See The Great U.S.A.
August 29, 2005 – Another day that will live in infamy. See The Great U.S.A.
temperature & humidity in modified bird feeder – has to be replaced. Not enough ventilation (catches morning sun in winter) anemometer & wind vane rain gauge and solar sensor (solar sensor saturates, needs mod.)
Well, after too many weeks my weather stations is up and running in its Version 1 configuration. Had to learn to program in Java (with much needed assistance from my son Christopher) and it was great fun to be totally immersed in an old-fashioned hardware-software engineering project. It’s now time to get back to my […]
I have a long interest going back to childhood in the weather. I studied clouds and cloud formations in grade school and learned their relationship to changes in weather. Well now that I’m retired and have the time I’m starting to put together my personal backyard weather station. I’ll be adding notes here as things […]
Over the years (too many but who’s counting) I’ve accumulated a collection of very useful freeware (free software). Some of it is currently maintained by the author, but some is no longer actively maintained and some can no longer be found easily on the web. When time permits I will be providing descriptions and download […]