Earl’s damage; new gearing

Tropical storm Earl dropped heavy rain (2.3 inches)which, with the wind, caused my weather station to shut down. Restarted it this morning (beautiful, sunny and DRY) with no problem. I need to see if I can fix the software to prevent a recurrence of the problem. With the great weather and a just arrived new […]

It’s almost winter again – mountain biking!

Long hiatus but back from my Whistler mountain biking trip with Christopher. I am now a convert. He built a great bike for me, used up his supply of excess parts so I got a bargain! Here’s a video of our trip – more coming later. WhistlerMovie 1 from Marc Weiss on Vimeo.

Is it summer yet?

A landmark day! Second day of sunshine, and second day of bike riding, getting in shape for a fall mountain bike trip to Whittier in British Columbia with my son. This has been an awful June – gray, wet and cold. Rainfall 3 inches, only 10 dry days, only 9 truly sunny days. Finally finished […]

Winter’s Toll

Well, our New England winter has been a tough one weatherwise for my weather station here in Brewster. One of our coldest and snowy winter starts kept my anemometer and wind vane frozen. A brief thaw helped to free up the anemometer but the vane stayed locked at WSW. That is until a few days […]