Weather Station Back & Working – after much effort!

Things started to go to hell in a basket in late August. My wife’s computer died (motherboard) and after two dead replacements, bought a new machine. Took the better part of a day to update & cleanout the crap (Dell, Vista). A day or two later my motherboard went out – one DOA replacement, second one good to go (several weeks passed). This all happened shortly after my station went dead for no apparent reason. During the summer I had moved my AAG Wind unit to a mast mounted on the peak of my roof. We’re surrounded my tall trees and I wanted to get as much height as I could since in its orignal location I was greatly under reporting wind speed. Everything was working swimmingly until I started getting lots of errors on all my sensors. Nothing I could find pointed to a sensor hardware issue so I assumed it was a wiring problem. I was using a 1-wire star configuration and decided to switch to a hub. This necessitated major software changes. When all the software was ready and hub bench tested okay, I hooked up the hub to my outdoor sensors and everything dead again!

After several frustrating days I concluded the hub had died and it took several weeks to convince the vendor to send a replacement which then took several more weeks to arrive. By that time my computor was back up and the final testing and configuration of the software got completed. Then a week ago the wind anemometer seized up and today I made my second trip up on the roof to take it down, free it up by spinning it, and try to douse it with WD40. Everything’s back in order – for now.

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